How to Make 2022 Your Year
Yet another year has ended and a new one is about to begin. This is the moment to look back at everything you’ve done, all the memories you’ve made and all the things you’ve accomplished this past year. Now is a great time to practice gratitude for what you have and what you’ve been blessed with in 2021. This is a great way to see 2021 off!
As we say goodbye to one year, we’re also welcoming a new one. If you’re like most people, the beginning of a new year is an exciting opportunity to aspire to new levels and accomplish new goals. But it can be easy to burn through this surge of motivation quickly and settle into old habits by April. To keep this flurry of new year’s motivation alive all the way through the year, it’s important to plan ahead so that once it’s January 1st, you can hit the ground running. Here’s our guide to making 2022 your year!

Take time to assess where you are. Reflect on where you started and how far you’ve come. What did you accomplish in the past year? What new lessons did you learn? Where did you go, who did you meet, who did you let go? You must first look at where you’ve been before deciding on where you want to go next. Once you’ve reflected on this, take time to feel grateful for all that you’ve been blessed with and all that you’ve done. Only then can you begin to figure out what’s next.

Set Goals
Once you have clarity on what you want, you can begin to translate this into goals for yourself. Keep the goals realistic; if you have yet to start a business, then ending up in the Fortune 500 list by the end of 2022 is unreasonable, but launching your business and making a certain amount of sales by the end of the year is doable. Be specific. Want to learn the piano? Choose how many and which songs you want to be able to play by the end of the year or set a goal of being able to play publicly. Whatever you hope to accomplish, get specific and call out which goals you want to accomplish before the year is out.

Make a Plan
Ok, so you want to be able to strike challenging yoga poses like the crow pose, the forearm stand, the mermaid pose or others like these? Create the plan. Find a yoga studio, buy a yoga mat, stock up on some yoga leggings and sports bras, colorful workout tees, and biker shorts and decide your frequency. Will you be going 2-3 times a week? What time? What will your fitness budget be? If you’re wanting to learn how to play the guitar, find your method. Decide whether you’ll be taking live lessons, online lessons or if you’ll be starting with youtube tutorials. Plan to save up for your guitar if you need to buy one. Plan your budget and what times of day you’ll be taking the lessons. Plan out your practice schedule as well, whether it’s 1 hour a day or 30 minutes, figure it out and stick to it. No dream works if you don’t, so get to planning!

Make a Vision Board, Pick Mantras, Set your Intentions
Vision boards are powerful tools for helping you bring your goals into fruition. They’re like casting a spell on your dreams and sprinkling reality powder onto them. Spend time allowing yourself to ask the universe for what you desire. Then, envision yourself doing those things. If you have a goal to travel to Paris, imagine yourself booking the flight, packing your things, walking into the Charles de Gaulle Airport, checking into your hotel, then walking into the cafes, restaurants and museums and speaking with the customer service representatives. If you have a goal of being more fit, or learning to dance or becoming stronger or more flexible, imagine yourself buying more fitness apparel, then throwing on a pair of cute, colorful, printed yoga leggings and a matching sports bra, jumping in your car and going to yoga class. Imagine yourself stretching, doing the poses, sweating, feeling the burn and breathing through it.
Speaking affirmations to yourself is also essential. Don’t just tell yourself that you will DO these things, tell yourself you ARE these things. You don’t just want to exercise, you ARE an athlete. You don’t just want to do yoga, you ARE a YOGI or you ARE a dancer or you ARE a powerlifter. This will help you accept your goals as part of your identity, helping you set your intentions and absorb everything it takes to make them become a reality.

Bite Sized Progress
Break up those goals and benchmarks into weekly goals. If you have a goal of becoming a better cook, break up the goal into specific, bite-sized pieces for each week. Maybe at the end of week 1, you will start by watching a set amount of tutorials on how to make great pasta dishes. Then by week 2, you can set a goal of making 3 pasta dishes and journaling how the results came out.

Plan Your Vacations and Family Time
Your goals don’t just have to pertain to career and accomplishments. They can also relate to your family life. It can be easy to get so caught up in goal-chasing that you can forget to make time to spend time with loved ones. Time is the most precious commodity and moments spent with family and loved ones are never wasted. Plan family time into your schedule so you don’t end up looking back and wondering where the time went. If you have kids, this is EXTRA important because you’ll blink and realize your kids have all but grown up!
Make Time for Me Time
Last but not least, you WILL burn out if you stick to all your other plans but neglect yourself. Make sure you are making time for yourself at least weekly, if not daily. This can include things like meditation and spa days to decompress, but it should also include hobbies and things you love to do just for the sake of doing them. Do you love drawing? Make sure you make time to draw every day or as frequently as possible. Love to create pottery? Love to dance? Love to horseback ride, cook, play pool, watch movies? Whatever makes you enjoy life, make sure you’re scheduling in time so that you stay connected with yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you prioritize you in the new year!