Spring Refresh for Your Home, Mind, Body & Soul
Springtime is a season known for renewal and fresh starts which is why it’s the most popular time of year for cleanses, spring cleaning and spring breaks. Well into the year now, maybe you’ve been doing great keeping up with your resolutions or maybe you’ve fallen off a bit. If you’ve gone off track, don’t worry too much and don’t beat yourself up about it. Work, errands, travel, friends and family life can really fill up your schedule so give yourself a break and know that you’re doing your best! Here are some great ways to hit the reset button with a little renewal and rejuvenation for your home, mind, body and soul!

Simplify it! Start with Closets, Kitchens and Bathrooms
Taking on your entire home can be daunting. And honestly, who has time these days? Take the pressure off by taking it room by room. Start with your most commonly frequented spaces. Your closet is one of the first spaces you interact with each morning which means that the way you keep your closet can have a direct effect on how your day starts. If you’re opening those doors and mismatching shoes are falling out, you can’t find your favorite top and your socks are missing their partners, the day is already off to an awful start. The bathroom and kitchen too! Pick one room to work on one day and the next, attack the next room. Do this for a week and before you know it, your entire home will be clean! Then it’s all about maintenance, so work on a sustainable system or cleaning schedule so you can enjoy clean closets, kitchens and bathrooms all year long!

Simplify It Even More….Hire a Cleaning Service
Or skip the entire ordeal altogether and hire a cleaning service. You don’t have to do it all! If it’s in your budget, letting a cleaning service take care of your home can be incredibly useful. It can relieve you of the stress of needing to clean. You’ll save time and it will free you up to do much more rewarding and productive tasks.

Add Some Plants
When was the last time you bought yourself some flowers or added a new plant friend to your home setting? If it’s been a while, this is a great way to spruce up your space and add some new life into your environment.

Rejuvenate Your Body
Use Spring as a season to dedicate to wellness. Find ways to treat your body right! Start by eating healthier. Do a spring cleaning on your diet! Drop the simple sugars, the high carbs and the empty calories. Look for fresh fruits and veggies, quality proteins and other nutritious foods that will serve as fuel for you! Minimize the mindless snacking on highly processed foods and focus on buying fresh ingredients more.
Add a physical activity to your schedule. As the weather begins to get a bit warmer, this is a great time to start doing some exercise if you don’t already. Join a gym or a workout group, go running in the park, join a dance class, or whatever your favorite type of exercise is! Throw on a cute printed sports bra and matching leggings set and take a yoga class to get aligned with your flexibility, breathing and strength.

Recharge Your Mind
Daily responsibilities can do a number on your brain. Nowadays, with all the tech we deal with on a day to day basis, a popular issue is brain fog. Lift that brain fog and declutter your mind with a retreat to help you unplug and return to nature. If you don’t have that kind of time, consider taking up meditation. You can go to a yoga studio, participate in live meditation sessions or use Youtube videos or apps to help you through led meditation that will help you refocus yourself and ease your mind.
Feed your mind with new books this spring! Hit a bookstore, library or digital bookstore and invest in knowledge. Reading helps retrain your brain to have more focus and a longer attention span - something social media is constantly reducing. You’ll start to feel more stimulated when you’re learning about a subject that interests you.

Feed Your Soul
This one is all about what lights you on fire. For some people, this means spending time with friends. Plan a weekend trip with your bestie or just schedule in some time for brunch. If connecting with your immediate family or certain family members you haven’t seen in a while makes you happy, make time to enjoy them. Our time on this earth is limited - we never know when our time is up! That means any time spent with loved ones is the best investment we can make. For other people, spending time doing activities they love is what ignites their passion. If you love to write stories, make time for it. If you love to dance, go to a class or spend time choreographing your own moves. Invest in some new dance outfits like vibrant printed leggings and tops so you feel ready for your routines. For others still, traveling and exploring new places does that for them. If you love to travel, book a trip, even if it’s just for the weekend. Go somewhere you’ve never been before and give your soul what it needs!