Staying Fit through the Holiday Season
When it comes to fitness, the true test of commitment happens during the holidays! It’s the time of year when you’ll be surrounded by temptation. Office parties and family gatherings are always full of tasty treats and high-calorie meals. If your fitness journey is important to you, then after it’s all over, you might regret indulging a little too much. If you forget your routines completely, you’ll be mad at losing your progress come January. But that doesn’t mean you have to completely sit out all the holiday fun. Here are some ways to stay fit and healthy throughout the holidays without having to sacrifice all the seasonal fun!

Stay Active
As your calendar fills up throughout the holiday season, make sure you schedule time to keep moving. You might end up stressing out because of all the festivities, booking travel plans, picking up decor or gifts and your time to exercise might start to feel like it’s slipping away. Don’t beat yourself up about not making it to the gym and knocking out an entire, hour-long routine. Get creative and just make sure you keep moving. Take early morning walks or jogs - if you normally work out for an hour but don’t have the time, maybe you just go for a 30-minute run or even a 15-minute run. Keep your schedule clear for an hour in the evening and take a yoga class to stay limber and to clear your mind. Staying active doesn’t even have to be a whole thing - you can find more subtle ways to incorporate movement into your everyday. Park further away, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or just take advantage of all the walking you’ll need to do at the mall as you shop for gifts.

Prepare for On-The-Go Scenarios
You already know you’re going to be doing a lot of running around this holiday season, so get ahead of it. Meal prep healthy meals when you can and stock your pantry, office desk and car with some healthy snacks on the go, like nuts and ziplock bags of fresh fruits and veggies. Keep a water bottle on hand in all your most frequently visited places. Keep an extra pair of leggings and workout clothes + sneakers in the car. Even plan your outfits around versatile athleisure when you can! If you know you have an event in the evening, maybe wear a pair of neutral colored leggings to the office, with a matching sports bra and a loose-fitting, dressy-casual top over it so that once it’s time to leave work, you can head straight to that boxing class or that gym, get a quick workout in, then go home to get ready for your event - or even straight there. The more prep you do for those fast, on the go days, the less you’ll be forced to skip workouts and opt for fast food.

Stay Hydrated
No matter what, keep drinking water throughout the season, every day! Drinking water helps your entire body function at its best. It’ll also keep you from mistaking thirst for hunger and eating at times when all you really needed was some water - that’ll help keep the excess calorie intake controlled. You’ll probably be indulging in cocktails, carbonated drinks, hot chocolates, ciders and more - all this equals higher sugar intake. Water helps flush out your system and keeps your body levels balanced. Don’t sleep on the power of simple, good old water!

Make Movement Social
Got family in town? Or maybe you’re visiting your friends and family elsewhere and looking for something to do together. Try opting for a fitness-centric activity together! Make it a fun outing; gift them a new fitness outfit, like some cute leggings and a matching sports bra, rock your own matching set, and book a yoga class or a zumba class together! If you’re not into set times, plan a hike together. Because friends and family that move together stay healthy together!