Black Friday Shopping Strategies

Rebecca Gold

(shopping for high quality items that will last, shopping for things you need vs things you want, set alarms, shop online vs in person, shopping for versatile items, etc) It’s almost the biggest shopping day of the year - Black Friday! The day after Thanksgiving used to evoke images of angry mobs of shoppers,...
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Yoga Pose of the Day: Tree Pose

Rebecca Gold

It’s time you tried out a new yoga pose! Tree Pose is usually the first standing balance pose that is taught to yoga beginners because it's the simplest. Keep your sense of humor about learning to stand on one leg. It's harder than it looks at first and will be different every day. Don't...
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Amazing Facts about Yoga

Rebecca Gold

image via @moniquecarrollislandyoga We all LOVE yoga. It keeps us fit, boosts our mood and eases up our mind. But what else is there that Yoga holds for us? Let's find out! Here're some Amazing Yoga Facts that we bet you didn't know about: Yoga helps your relationships Regular yoga practice helps develop compassion,...
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5 Benefits of Adopting a Dog

Rebecca Gold

Ask any dog owner what the benefits of owning a dog are and they will give you so much more than just 5. But we’ll keep it short and sweet with some of the best reasons why your family REALLY needs a new, furry family member! Spoiler alert: your life will never be the...
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Incorporating Meditation Into your Family Routine

Rebecca Gold

We live in a hectic, fast-paced world, full of information that can cause stress. These days, it’s more important than ever to take a moment, slow down, breathe and center yourself. This is important for everyone - not just adults. Contrary to what many parents tend to think, kids get stressed, too. The pressure...
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5 Extracurricular Activities your Kids Should be Involved In

Rebecca Gold

While it may seem like your child has plenty going on at school within their regular school day, they can actually get so much more satisfaction and fulfillment from extracurricular activities. Oftentimes, the regular coursework is made up of required topics. Your child usually has little say when it comes to which classes they...
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Reasons to Get Excited About Fall

Rebecca Gold

Summer is finally coming to a close and everyone who loves the hot, sunny days is letting out a collective sigh of disappointment. It’s true, the summer has tons of reasons to love it - but so does Fall! Don’t be sad about the season we’re leaving behind - instead, get excited about all...
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