Keep your Daughter Active Through the Year
In the decades before tablets, smart tv’s and double digit iPhone models, kids used to naturally be more active - going outside to play with other neighborhood kids, running around at playgrounds and parks and riding bikes on the block was the thing to do. But nowadays, with the rise of portable tech, streaming and a constant flood of content, kids and teens spend an average of 7 hours a day TVs, computers, phones and electronic devices. This is associated with the statistic that 1 in 3 kids is either overweight or obese in the U.S. Having an unhealthy body image can really take a toll on your child’s self esteem and social development.
For parents looking to curb their kids’ screen time and encourage their kids to be more active, there are plenty of ways to keep your daughter interested in moving and exercising instead of spending countless hours staring at screens. Here are some ways to get your daughter involved in activities that will keep her moving and fit all year long! These can all be participated in at any time of year.
Enroll your Daughter in Sports
School or out of school leagues for anything from softball to basketball, volleyball to powderpuff football or soccer - whatever sport she likes, encourage her trying out for the team. Sports are the ultimate way to keep your daughter fit. They also teach important lessons about teamwork, overcoming adversity, determination and hard work. Most sports leagues incorporate structured workouts, too, so her physical activity will be well looked after and guided with knowledgeable leaders.

image via @claudschigokko

image via @claudschigokko
Enroll your Daughter in Dance Classes
Dancers are athletes, too! They work just as hard to build muscles and strength to allow them to control their movements. Dance also helps with coordination, balance, helps keep body mass index low and helps keep flexibility high. It also teaches her rhythm, boosts her confidence and improve kinesthetic intelligence. Many girls love how they are able to express themselves through different forms of dance. It doesn’t matter if your daughter is into hip-hop, jazz, ballet, flamenco, afrobeats, latin dance, caribbean dance or any other genre - get her a cute pair of printed leggings and a matching printed sports bra or top as her first dance outfit and celebrate the start of her dance journey!

image via

image via @dancingroseofficial
Enroll your Daughter in Self-Defense and Martial Arts Classes
Not only is it a great way for your daughter to stay active, but she’ll also learn the essential life skills of self defense. Whether it's karate, Jiu-Jitsu, boxing or any other form of self defense, these classes will teach your daughter how to protect herself. These classes help improve concentration, discipline, respect, and awareness of danger. She’ll develop key skills and traits like tenacity, assertiveness and determination. If you encourage her to take this sort of class, you’ll be absolutely amazed at her growth and she’ll naturally stay fit.

image via @forgedsisters

image via @forgedsisters
Enroll your Daughter in Swimming Classes
Swim classes are another great option for your daughter. This activity not only keeps her muscles and body moving but it also teaches her an essential life skill that extends the range of her personal safety. This activity also, like the others, will build confidence, focus, determination, and improve overall self-development. Research has shown that kids as young as toddlers can be taught to swim and even flip themselves over in a pool should they find themselves face down in water. This is possible because the movements come naturally to toddlers. Having them in professional classes that are catered to younger age groups is key. But this is an activity that is great for people of any age!

image via @lanaemalone

image via @lauren.models.acts
Enroll your Daughter in Gymnastics
This is a classic activity that girls have been doing for decades. Like dance, this activity builds confidence, motor skills, spatial awareness, and keeps your daughter active and tones. She will develop her muscles, learn kinesthetic intelligence and even learn about physics! Get your daughter some cute gymnastics wear form fitting leotards or cute printed activewear that will make her excited about attending class!

image via @rgsisters0812

image via @journeyburroughs